Posting to Your Personal Facebook Profile

Written by Alen Bubich
Updated 4 years ago

Posting to your personal Facebook profile is handled in a significantly different manner than all of the other social networks supported by SocialHP.

On August 1st of 2018 Facebook made a number of significant changes to their platform in order to prioritize user safety and data privacy.

Most notably, app developers will have to start using the standardized Facebook sharing dialog to request the ability to publish to the News Feed on a user’s behalf.

How does this effect SocialHP users?

Most notably, when using the Facebook sharing dialog you must supply a link to an external website.

Why is this important? Because the Facebook share dialog forces you to use a link, we are bound to the link image dimensions.

When you post a large image to Facebook, you might expect it to preserve the dimensions and show the entire image. That will not happen with the Facebook share dialog.

As of the writing of this document (Jan 1st 2020) the dimensions for a link image are 1200px x 628px. 

What other effects are there?

The Facebook share dialog also explicitly prohibits the use of Pre-fill messages. You can learn more about Facebook's Pre-fill policy see section Why Don't You Pre-Fill Personal Facebook Posts? and here

No scheduled posts

Last but not least, the Facebook share dialog makes it impossible to schedule a post in advance. Learn more about our solution to this problem, see section Why Can't I Schedule Posts to My Personal Facebook Profile?

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