Your privacy is important to us. As a SocialHP member, you have the right to know what information we can access on the social networks you decide to connect with us.
- We cannot access your personal messages (email, private, in-mail, instant messages)
- We cannot access your online chats
- We cannot access personal information about your friends or followers
- We cannot follow or unfollow accounts for you
- We cannot mute, block or report accounts for you
- We cannot access your profile or account settings
- We cannot access your password for your social networks, this is done via OAuth, see below "What is OAuth?"
Why Do I See So Many Permission Requests?
When you first connect to SocialHP you will see an OAuth approval like the one shown below. Unfortunately LinkedIn and Twitter only provide boilerplate copy for this section of their website and even though our app does not possess most of this access, their stock permission copy overstates our access to your account.
In some cases, your company may have entered into a User Agreement directly with SocialHP. If that's the case, you can contact your SocialHP representative at your company for a copy of that User Agreement.
What is OAuth?
When you connect your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter account(s), this is done via OAuth. In plain language, your network will give SocialHP “secure designated access.” For example, you can tell LinkedIn that it's OK for SocialHP to access your LinkedIn account without having to provide your password. OAuth doesn’t share password data but instead uses authorization token, or an encrypted key to prove your identity, and uses this same key to pass information back and forth between LinkedIn and SocialHP and the same for other social networks. This type of secured access is what gives SocialHP members the ability to participate in our Employee Advocacy platform.