Content Approval

Written by Alen Bubich
Updated 3 years ago

Users with a locked calendar (AutoPilot set to OFF) are given a chance to review and approve content before it's shared on their behalf on their connected social networks. 

The process of reviewing and approving pending content has been fully automated for your convenience. 

Please watch the video below for a complete walk-though of the approval process or follow the step-by-step instructions listed below the video.

Approving Content Workflow

Step-by-Step Approval Content Approval Process

Step 1: Email Address

Please make sure the email address we have on file is accurate. The email address we have will match the email address you signed up with.

If you need to change your email address, please navigate to your personal settings. 

Next, ensure that the email address we have on file is the correct one.

Step 2: Email Notification Setting

In order for our software tool to successfully deliver email notifications to you when new content is available, you'll need to ensure that your Email Notifications are set to ON.

Step 3: Monitor Your Email

When your team administrator suggests content on your behalf, you will receive an email notification from our system that asks you to log in and review the content suggestion. Simply click the [ Approve Content ] button to either approve or reject the content in question.

Step 4: Approve or Reject Content

You can either approve or reject content from the content calendar. You may also make any edits to the caption and the time before you approve.

Approved content can be edited with the inline editor. Once you click on the         [ Approve ]  button you will receive a popup to confirm your selection.

If you see other Pending content in your Calendar, you can also manage your content approvals from within your Calendar.

Once you've identified the piece of content you wish to approve, click on the Content. It will open the preview screen, and simply click on the [ Approve ] button. 

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