5 Methods to find an RSS Feed

Written by Alen Bubich
Updated 4 years ago

1. The Easiest Attempt
WordPress powers many websites, in fact, it powers about 30% of the entire internet, so if you’re trying to find the RSS feed of a WordPress website, all you need to do is add /feed/ to the end of the website’s URL.

Example: https://ExampleWordPressWebsite.com/feed/

It will take you to the RSS feed, as long as the website is powered by WordPress. What if the website it isn’t powered by WordPress? You only wasted about two seconds, and can try another way.

2. The RSS Feed Icon
The standard orange RSS logo pictured below is a dead giveaway. Click on it, and it will take you to the website’s RSS feed. From there, you can get the URL for feed source settings.

3. View Source

Step 1. Go to the site you wish to create an RSS feed for

Example: https://www.entrepreneur.com/
Step 2. On the browser, insert view-source:in front of the url

Example: view-source:https://www.entrepreneur.com/
Step 3. Click “Enter” - and it will pull up the site's source code

Step 4. To find the URL for the RSS feed, hit CTRL +F on a PC or Command + F on a Mac, this will pull up the “Find” feature and type in “rss” or "feed" in the field 
Step 5. This search will highlight the URL for the RSS feed. 

In this case: https://www.entrepreneur.com/latest.rss

4. Build an RSS feed using FetchRSS

Step 1. Go to FetchRSS and Enter URL to convert into an RSS

Step 2: Select a basic News item block - All you need to do is to select a block that you want to see in your feed. FetchRSS will use this pattern to fetch data from this site and put it in your feed

2. Select a block for your Headline

3. Select a block for your Summary

You can continue to specify other news components. Like "author", "illustration" and so on. All other blocks are optional. And can be added to make your feed more detail.

If you don't want to specify some component or need to change previous selection just click on a relevant component button.

After you've finished specifying your feed content click "Generate RSS" button and your feed is ready.

5. FiveFilters.org offers Feed Creator
Step 1: Go to Feed Creator on the FiveFilters.org site and enter the page URL you wish to create an RSS feed

Step 2: Head back to the site you’d like to create an RSS feed, then right-click an example of the sort of link you’d like to see in that RSS feed. Google Chrome will give you the option to “Inspect” the link; other browser should offer similar wording. Inspector will pop up, showing you the website’s code alongside the site itself. The link you right-click should be highlighted, and the class of the URL should be visible in a pop-up for the link and in the left panel eg. entry-title. Copy the class of the URL on the left panel and paste it back on the Feed Creator page in the field "Get links inside HTML elements with this id or class value"

Step 3: Click on Preview and if successful will result in a feed

While most sites on the web have an RSS feed to help promote and syndicate their content it is not always the case.  Hopefully, this guide provided some insight into where RSS feeds most commonly reside and how to set them up if you're working on your own website and how to find an RSS feed.

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