Deleting content from the SocialHP system is slightly unique due to our ability to provide Team level Campaigns.
Another wrinkle is presented by the fact that we don't know if you're interested in deleting the content from our system, or the social networks of your members.
Accordingly, we offer three levels of deleting.
Deleting Scheduled Content
Any time you schedule content for a future post date, you'll need to use the Calendar to delete that content, whether it's an individual post or if it's a Team level Campaign.
The Calendar will auto-detect if the item has been scheduled for more than one user in a Campaign.
If your content piece has been scheduled for multiple users, you will have an opportunity to delete all of the scheduled content simultaneously (please see the video below).
If the content has only been scheduled on one users' wall, our system will only present you with the ability to remove the content piece from that calendar.
Deleting an item or scheduled campaign will not delete the content piece from the Content section of the site. Meaning, that content will be available for future use by your team.
Scheduled Content Delete
Deleting Unscheduled Content
If you want to remove content from your Content section (meaning you want to make it unavailable for future sharing) then you'll need to head over to the Content section.
There are two types of delete available in the Content tab, namely:
1. Delete (remove future calendar events)
2. Archive (keep future calendar events)
If you're deleting something that has a "best-before-date", for example a webinar, you'll want to Delete the content item and remove all future calendar events (since the event has passed).
If you're simply want people to stop sharing this content piece in the future, but you don't want to remove any calendar events that your team may have already scheduled, then you'll want to use the Archive function in order to allow your members to continue publishing future calendar events.
Deleted Unscheduled Content
Emergency Delete
In certain circumstances, you might have an emergency. Maybe you posted a piece of content on everyone's behalf that had the wrong image or maybe you posted something with a spelling mistake.
Whatever the reason, the Emergency Delete will allow you to not only remove that piece of content from our internal system, but it will also allow you to delete that piece of content from everyone's personal social media wall (with the exception of Facebook).
The Emergency Delete can only be accessed from within the Content View for a specific piece of content.
To locate the Emergency Delete please follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Content tab
2. Click on the specific piece of content you want to delete
3. Click on the [ Actions ] button
4. Click on the [ Emergency Delete ] menu item
Emergency Delete